The appointment

Sometimes in life, no matter how hard you search, you don’t always get the answer you were looking for…
Sometimes in life, no matter how hard you search, you don’t always get the answer you were looking for…
So the last couple of days have delivered me some razor-nailed prods to the happy little bubble that I like to hang out in, and that rather shiny bubble is looking ominously ready to pop. The first reality check come from an appointment I had with Elliot yesterday, but in order to explain that properly
My early memories of motherhood ranged from being amazed, and slightly repulsed, by how much baby sick it is possible to pool in your cleavage at one time and the apparent disregard that baby poos apparently have for gravity and claims of absorbability from nappy companies, as they stain your baby’s back, and your last clean babygrow, bright mustard yellow. After all, being a parent is a messy, dirty, exhausting and confusing job and you’re the one responsible for not screwing it up.
In the spirit of openness and honesty, for all the people who accidently landed here courtesy of Google, let me just state that at no point in this blog post am I going to be talking about anything that involves my boobs. This isn't that kind of confession. Nor have I found god. Sorry Catholics.
A few days ago, feeling rather like a child bunking school, I did the rare thing of going into town – you know, where the shops are, and where lots of people who make time for wandering around shops go. I didn’t even have a real purpose for heading in that direction, I was just